Friday, July 11, 2008

we like to draw eachother

couple by seancasey

zombieish robin by seancasey

abel by robin

angie by abel

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Nancy atc by seancasey
seancasey atc by youngn(sorry its sideways uploaded from my cellphone)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

terror shark

pictures from eric b on the cut's camera. battle sketch by youngn and eric b on the cut.
ugly baby by youngn.

girls by eric b on the cut

girl/boy by dan hood.

goofy ass black people by eric b on the cut.
dan hood by eric b on the cut.

July 4th weekend

We shared the camera at County Fair stand on 4th of July weekend. Above by Sean Casey, Robin Schwartzman and Eric B on the cut.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Park Sketches

All 4 of these guests were deaf.
I need to stop framing the sketch before I take a picture.
My friend Brian.
This was a demo and the kid along with his mom damanded that I give it to them for free.
I love to draw asians, especially when they come in flocks.
Not the best sketch, but it was fun to do.
During a rush I cranked out a few cute sketches, so these girls waited for me specifically to draw them.
And this is what they got.

Once again, I need to stop framing the sketch before I take a picture.

This slow adult was wearing a Lakers jersey as a under shirt.
Detail of the slow adult wearing a Lakers jersey as a under shirt.
Finally, the slow adult that was wearing a Lakers jersey as a under shirt.

Sketches inspired by the sketches Brian Oakes did on St. Patricks day

Of course the best sketch I do all day is done at a stand without a camera. More July 4th sketches coming soon.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

nicks ugly mug as done by sean
eric b on the cut by youngn
crazy black guy by youngn
crazy black kid by seancasey

Saturday, June 21, 2008

heres 2 of carly an airbrush artist at the park

julie eric b's lady friend
sergio's brother juan
a very drunken sketch youngn did of dumptruck

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

impromptu drawing night

                                                       eric b on the cut rat fink sytle
                                                            sergio and his bacon ear
                                   youngn using a little too much pressure with the marker
                                                    detail of eric b 's ratt fink by seancasey
                                                        seancasey done by eric b on the cut